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Inidcations on private transportation

Take the Santa Fe de Antioquía road for 46 km - 1.25 hr until the entrance to San Jerónimo.


Turn right on the street between Éxito and the Gasaco de Texaco station.


At 200 meters, at the fork take the left to the old road to Medellín.


Turn left for 2 km, to Hostería Guaracú.

Inidications on public transportation

Go to the Terminal del Norte of Medellín.


Go to the municipality of San Jerónimo. 1.25 hr - 26 km


Take a Tuk Tuk (Moto-Taxi) to the Hostería Guaracú. 3 min - 2 km

Km2, llano de Aguirre, old road to the sea, San Jeronimo, Antioquia, Colombia
Central Office Medellín - Colombia +57 3116431742

  • Hostería
  • Casa hotel
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